
IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: USB Access (ixUSB) API
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 303
Data transfer type
Data recipient
Number of bytes to transfer
Index or offset
Value: Used to pass a variable-sized data parameter
Device request
The UDC decodes most commands with no intervention required by the ixUSB client. Other setup
requests occur through the setup callback. The following data structure in Figure 101 is passed to
the setup-callback function so the software can be configured properly.
Table 60 shows a summary of the setup device requests.
Figure 101. USBSetupPacket
typedef struct /* USBSetupPacket */
UCHAR bmRequestType;
UCHAR bRequest;
UINT16 wValue;
UINT16 wIndex;
UINT16 wLength;
} USBSetupPacket;
Table 60. Host-Device Request Summary (Sheet 1 of 2)
Request Name
SET_FEATURE Enables a specific feature, such as device remote wake-up and endpoint stalls.
CLEAR_FEATURE Clears or disables a specific feature.
Configures the UDC for operation. Used following a reset of the controller or
after a reset has been signalled via the USB.
GET_CONFIGURATION Returns the current UDC configuration to the host.
Interface and endpoint descriptors cannot be retrieved or set individually. They exist only embedded within
configuration descriptors.