
IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: HSS-Access (IxHssAcc) API
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 197
Packetized (HDLC) service is coupled with the HSS port.
Packets transmitted using the packetized service access interface will be sent through the
HDLC coprocessor and on to the HSS coprocessor.
Tx and Rx TDM slot assignments are identical.
Packetized services will use IXP_BUF.
Channelized services will use raw buffers.
All IXP_BUFs provided by the client to the packetized receive service will contain 2,048-byte
data stores.
13.3.7 Error Handling
The IxHssAcc component will use IxOsServices to report internal errors and warnings. Parameters
passed through the IxHssAcc API interfaces will be error checked whenever possible.
HDLC CRC errors and byte alignment errors will be reported to packetized clients on a per packet
basis. Port disable and disconnect errors on a transmit or receive packetized service pipe will be
transmitted to the client as well.
HSS port errors such as over-run, under-run and frame synchronization will be counted by NPE A,
along with other NPE software errors. This count of the total number of errors since configuration
will be reported to packetized clients on a per packet basis and to channelized clients at the trigger
IxHssAcc provides an interface to the client to read the last error from the NPE. There is no
guarantee that the client will be able to read every error. A second error may occur before the client
has had the opportunity to read the first one. The client will, however, have an accurate total error
13.4 HSS Port Initialization Details
The HSS ports must be configured to match the configuration of any connected PHY. No
channelized or packetized connections should exist in the IxHssAcc layer while this interface is
being called.
This includes configuring the time slots within a frame in one of the following ways:
Configuring as HDLC — For packetized service, include raw packet mode
Configuring as Voice64K/Voice56K — For channelized service
Configuring as unassigned — For unused time slot
Choosing the line speed, frame size, signal polarities, signal levels, clock edge, endianness,
choice of input/output frame signal, and other parameters
This function takes the following arguments:
IxHssAccHssPort hssPortId — The HSS port ID.
IxHssAccConfigParams *configParams — A pointer to the HSS configuration structure.