IXP400 Software
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
24 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
HSS High Speed Serial
HSSI High Speed Serial Interface
HW Hardware
IAD Integrated Access Device
ICV Integrity Check Value
IKE Internet Key Exchange
IMA Inverse Multiplexing over ATM
IP Internet Protocol
IPsec Internet Protocol Security
IRQ Interrupt Request
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
ISR Interrupt Service Routine
ISR Interrupt Sub-Routine
IV Initialization Vector
BSD 4.4–like mbuf implementation for IXP400
software. Referred to as IX_MBUF, IXP_BUF and
IX_OSAL_MBUF interchangeably.
BSD 4.4–like mbuf implementation for IXP400
software. Referred to as IX_MBUF, IXP_BUF and
IX_OSAL_MBUF interchangeably.
IXA Internet Exchange Architecture
IXP Internet Exchange Processor
BSD 4.4–like mbuf implementation for IXP400
software. Referred to as IX_MBUF, IXP_BUF and
IX_OSAL_MBUF interchangeably.
LAN Local Area Network
LE Little-Endian
LSB Least Significant Bit
MAC Media Access Control
MAC Message Authentication Code (in SSL or TLS)
MBS Maximum Burst Size
MCR Minimum Cell Rate
MCU Memory Controller Unit
MD5 Message Digest 5
MFS Maximum Frame Size
MIB Management Information Base
MII Media-Independent Interface
MLPPP Multi-Link Point-to-Point Protocol
MMU Memory Management Unit
MPI Memory Port Interface
Acronym Description