
IXP400 Software
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 275
Access-Layer Components:
Synchronous Serial Port (IxSspAcc)
API 19
This chapter describes the Intel
IXP400 Software v2.0’s “SSP Serial Port (IxSspAcc) API”
access-layer component.
19.1 What’s New
This is a new component for software release 2.0.
19.2 Introduction
A Synchronous Serial Port is included in the Intel
IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors.
The IxSspAcc API is provided to allow the configuration of the various registers related to the SSP
hardware. Once configured, the API also provides the ability to transfer data to the Tx FIFO and
from the Rx FIFO. Both polling and interrupt modes are supported.
19.3 IxSspAcc API Details
19.3.1 Features
This component provides capabilities to:
select frame format – SSP, SPI, or Microwire*
select data sizes – 4 to 16 bits
select clock source – external or on-chip
configure serial clock rate – to drive a baud rate of 7.2 Kbps to 1.8432 Mbps (if internal clock
source is selected only)
enable/disable the receive FIFO level interrupts
enable/disable the transmit FIFO level interrupts
set the transmit FIFO threshold – 1 to 16 frames
set the receive FIFO threshold – 1 to 16 frames
select operation mode – normal or loop-back operation
select SPI SCLK polarity – polarity of SCLK idle state is low or high (only used in SPI format)