IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: Ethernet Access (IxEthAcc) API
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
152 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
9.9 Management Information
The IxEthAcc component provides MIB II EtherObj statistics for each interface. The statistics are
collected from Ethernet component counters and NPE collected statistics. Statistics are gathered
for collisions, frame alignment errors, FCS errors, etc.
Note that each frame may be counted against a maximum of one statistic counter. In the case when
more than one statistic may apply to a particular frame, it is the condition that causes the frame to
be dropped at the earliest point in the data path that is recorded.
MII/RMII errors (for example, MII/RMII alignment errors, extra byte errors) take precedence over
MAC errors (FCS errors, late collisions, etc.). Next in precedence are buffer overrun errors, which
take precedence over frame drops due to filtering operations. The filtering operations occur in the
order of destination MAC address filtering, spanning tree, VLAN acceptable frame type filtering,
VLAN ID-based filtering, firewall, and then internal queue under-run errors.
The statistics counters that are support by the Ethernet access component are shown in Table 23
and Table 24. For more details on these statistics objects, see RFC 2665.
These APIs are provided to retrieve these statistics:
Table 21. IX_OSAL_MBUF “Port ID” Field Values
NPE ID 5.4
Ethernet-capable NPE identifier, defined as follows:
0x0 - NPE A (on Intel
IXP46X product line processors only)
0x1 - NPE B
0x2 - NPE C
0x3 - Reserved
PORT ID 3..0
Sequential MII port number within the range of supported MII ports for
the specified NPE. The valid ranges are as follows:
IXP42X product line processors
• NPE A - none
•NPE B -
•NPE C - 0x0
IXP46X product line processors
•NPE A -
•NPE B - 0x0-0x3
•NPE C - 0x0
Table 22. ixp_ne_flags.link_prot Field Values
Value EthRx Frame Type EthTx Frame Type
00 IEEE802.3 - 8802 (with LLC/SNAP) IEEE802.3 - 8802 (with LLC/SNAP)
01 IEEE802.3 - Ethernet (w/o LLC/SNAP) IEEE802.3 - Ethernet (w/o LLC/SNAP)
10 IEEE802.11 - AP -> STA IEEE802.11 - STA -> AP
11 IEEE802.11 - AP -> AP IEEE802.11 - AP -> AP