
IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: DMA Access Driver (IxDmaAcc) API
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
120 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
8.7.5 Addressing Modes
Addressing mode describes the types of source and destination addresses to be accessed. Two
addressing modes are supported:
Incremental Address — Address increments after each access, and is normally used to
address a contiguous block of memory (i.e., SDRAM).
Fixed Address — Address remains the same for all access, and is normally used to operate on
FIFO-like devices (i.e., UART).
8.7.6 Transfer Length
This is the size of the data to be transferred from the source address to the destination address.
Transfer length restrictions are:
Transfer length of 8-bit devices can be in multiple of byte, half-word, or word
Transfer length of 16-bit devices can be in multiple of half-word or word
Transfer length of 32-bit devices is in multiple of word