
4372ch01.fm Draft Document for Review November 15, 2007 3:27 pm
14 Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment in a Retail Environment
additiononal server (not shown) that provides DHCP services to our simulated
Four types of POS devices exist in the simulated environment as well, each of
which is a unique model, which helps to demonstrate Tivoli Provisioning
Manager for OS Deployment’s capability of identifying different types of hardware
and injecting the right drivers for each. In a large super market, for instance, it
would not be unrealistic to have different types of hardware performing the same
functions. The IT department would then typically have at least one of each
hardware type.
The real-world IT environment that we are trying to simulate with the lab
environment is depicted in Figure 1-6 on page 15.
Note that the environment does not include any application servers or other
management systems. There would most likely be at least one application server
in each warehouse, and several centrally located application servers in an actual
enterprise, but management of these servers falls outside the scope of this
paper. Likewise, there would normally be servers for systems management, such
as monitoring and remote administration, but these are also outside our scope.