4372ch05.fm Draft Document for Review November 15, 2007 3:27 pm
106 Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment in a Retail Environment
2. From the web console, right click the terminal’s entry in the POS list and
select Backup. This will start the POS backup wizard where you can enter a
name for this backup (Figure 5-9 on page 106). Type a name and click Next.
Figure 5-9 Enter a name for the backup
3. In the next window, choose the state you want the backup to attempt to leave
the POS terminal in after the backup has been performed, and click Next.
(Figure 5-10).
Note: The procedure for booting a POS terminal into PXE mode can vary
depending on the model of the terminal and the configuration of the DHCP
and PXE servers. In the case of our POS01 terminal, we found it
necessary to manually interrupt the boot sequence and change the
primary boot device to LAN, while on POS02 it was possible to initiate a
boot from LAN by simply pressing F12 during bootup. See Appendix A,
“Alternate boot sequence on POS systems” on page 133 for more
information on this topic.