
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008. All rights reserved. 139
Draft Document for Review November 15, 2007 3:27 pm 4372glos.fm
BIOS Basic Input/Output System. This is the
firmware code that runs when the computer is
powered up, as the first step in the power-on selftest.
MBR Master Boot Record, the first sector on a
partitioned hard drive. After power-on Selftest is
completed, the code in MBR is executed and will
normally bootstrap the operating system on the first
primary partition on the hard drive.
MSI Windows Installer, previously known as
Microsoft Installer. A solution defined by Microsoft
for handling installation and uninstallation of
software on Windows operating systems.
POS point-of-sale when referred to in IBM context.
Can also be point-of-service in context of Microsoft
Windows Embedded for POS or Suse Linux for
POST Power-on self-test. Covers the pre-boot
sequence when the PC is powered-up, until control
is handed over to the operating system boot. This is
typically part of the BIOS or system firmware.
PXE Preboot Execution Environment. A
technology that enables a system to be booted via
the network interface card from a remote server.
This process requires a DHCP server and a server
with the bootstrap code, called a DHCP Proxy. The
DHCP Proxy is in this Redpaper the
VLAN Virtual LAN. A technology that enables
systems connected to different switches to
communicate as if they were all on the same hub,
while other systems connected to the same switches
may use another VLAN to connect as they were all
on the same hub. The VLAN technology makes it
possible to separate systems connected to the same
switch into two or more networks.
WOL Wake on LAN. A technology that enables a
system to be powered up via a “magic packet” that is
send over the network from an administrative