Chapter 4. Redeployment scenarios 87
Draft Document for Review November 15, 2007 3:27 pm 4372ch04.fm
2. On the next panel (Figure 4-3 ), select Yes to keep Tivoli Provisioning
Manager for OS Deployment images in a protected partition, and enter
the space that you want to allocate to this special partition. Enter a value at
least as large as the total size of all system and software images to be
deployed on the computer, as it will retain all these images. If you are unsure,
start with approximately 800 MB for a Windows 2000 configuration, 1500 MB
for a Windows XP configuration, or 1500 MB for a Linux configuration. If you
want a more precise number, check the image sizes reported in a deployment
log and round the sum up to accommodate the miscellaneous structures used
for redeployment.
Figure 4-3 Set the redeployment partition size
3. Click Next, and then Finish to complete the customization process and
obtain a deployment scheme ready for redeployment.
Note: The space that you allocate to the redeployment partition is literally
subtracted from the hard-disk total capacity, as seen by Windows or Linux. It is
not simply a hidden partition, but instead a hardware-protected area, as
defined in ATA-5 specification. If necessary, you can recover this space simply
by running another deployment operation that does not include redeployment.