Appendix A. Alternate boot sequence on POS systems 135
Draft Document for Review November 15, 2007 3:27 pm 4372ax01.fm
To invoke the BIOS configuration, either press the Del key or tap the touch
screen twice when prompted during system startup. There are two ways to
navigate through the configuration menus. Either use the keyboard if available, or
use the touch screen and the keyboard that is displayed.
Navigate to the advanced BIOS features.
Navigate to the first boot device and change it to the network.
Once the boot sequence has been changed, press F10 to save and exit. The
system should now boot and try the boot devices in the sequence specified.
After completing the tasks that required excplicit boot into PXE mode, make sure
the boot sequence is changed back to normal (for example: floppy, CD-ROM,
Hard Disk and Network). Otherwise the system will continue to boot from the
Preparing alternate boot sequence for Wake on LAN
Some of the POS systems support wake on LAN technology. If this is the case,
the Wake on LAN can be combined with the alternate boot sequence, so the
system will always try to boot from the network first, when it is started from a
wake on LAN command.
Note: In some situations, the network boot server may not answer fast
enough, which may cause the POS device to timeout and continue to next
boot device. If this happens, a workaround is to remove any other boot device
than the network, so it cannot proceed the boot process with another device.