4372ch04.fm Draft Document for Review November 15, 2007 3:27 pm
90 Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment in a Retail Environment
Figure 4-6 Customizing the redeployment GUI
In Figure 4-6, you can see three entries:
– The first entry uses Boot on OS item action and has a time out value set
to three. This is the default action if no other menu item was selected, and
it will cause the machine to boot to the operating system installed on the
hard disk.
– The second option is used for quick redeployment. Its item action is set to
Quick restore, and the password is set. This menu item aims to fix
changed/deleted/added files without touching unchanged files. The icon
was changed from Default to lock64.jpg.
– The third menu item does a full format of the disk and then restores all
files. This requires more time than the second option. Its item action is set
to Format and Restore, and the password is set. The icon was changed
from Default to lock64.jpg.
6. After you finish the GUI customizations, save the changes. The changes are
bound to the configuration.
7. If you want to proceed with the deployment of this profile click the Ok button;
otherwise, click Cancel.
Every time the system is started, it presents a menu with three entries. If none
are selected, the system automatically boots to disk after three seconds. If one of