When the sum of the Min K Spool for all interfaces is less than K Mem
for Spool, memory is allocated as follows:
1 Interfaces with Min K Spool (in the Administration/Communica-
tions menu) value greater than zero to receive their specified allo-
2 Half of the remaining memory is equally distributed among any
interfaces with a Min K Spool value of zero.
3 The other half of the remaining memory is called float memory.
This memory is divided among all ports with a Min K Spool value
of zero. If only one port has a Min K Spool value of zero, that port
receives all float memory.
The K Mem for PSHeap, listed on the status page as Heap, is the
number of kilobytes of RAM dedicated to the PostScript emulation
interpreter. This memory client holds downloaded PostScript emula-
tion fonts, operators, and forms.
Choices 00112-99999
Default Variable
Notes This value must be greater than the sum of the Min K Spool for
all installed and enabled interfaces.
If you change the K Mem for Spool value, the printer
automatically restarts after you save your changes and exit
from the configuration menu.
Menu Administration/Memory/K Mem for PSHeap
Status Page
Choices 01024-99999
Default Variable
Notes If you change the K Mem for PSHeap value, the printer
automatically restarts after you save your changes and exit
from the configuration menu.