Syntax %%BlockEnd
true Indicates that a BlockEnd is required in the image
data. Otherwise, an error results
false Indicates that a BlockEnd is not required in the image
data but, if present, it is accepted with no error.
Default false
Function Sets the Encoded Byte Align flag, which indicates that the image
data is broken into individual lines that are each aligned on a byte
Syntax %%EBAMode
true Indicates that the data is encoded byte aligned.
false Indicates that the data is not encoded byte aligned.
Default false
Function Causes the CCITT emulation to reverse the bits within each byte
of the image data automatically.
Syntax %%BitReverse
true Indicates that the bits are to be reversed.
false Indicates that the bits are not to be reversed.
Default false
Function Indicates whether the data in the image is inverted.
Syntax %%InvertImage
true Indicates that the data in the image is inverted.
false Indicates yhat the date in the image is not inverted.