3 Carefully remove any jammed media. Then close the duplex
access door.
If a PAPER JAM message stays on, open the printer and clear the
jam. If the message is still there, try opening and closing the top of the
printer again. See the preceding section on clearing media jams for
more information.
If the printer has warmed up and the Data indicator stays on, two
problems may exist. If you are downloading additional typefaces, too
many can overload the printer’s memory, causing the printer to reset
and lose information previously downloaded to RAM. Make sure you
have enough printer memory.
On an LocalTalk network, Macintosh computers sometimes interfere
with each other. If this happens often, reinstall the LaserWriter and
Laser Prep files, which reset the printer. If neither of these is the prob-
lem, place a service call to your QMS vendor.