If you have a hard disk and Do Sys Start is enabled, when the printer
is turned on, the controller checks the hard disk for a PostScript file
named SYS\START and executes this file.
Error Handler is a diagnostic tool that identifies PostScript errors
encountered during a print job.
Memory allows your printer to store and retrieve information that’s
required to perform many of its tasks. The memory requirements of
each printer are dictated by the applications to be run. Each printer
comes standard with a certain amount of memory, but you may add
more memory as necessary.
Menu Administration/Startup Options/Do Sys Start
Choices Yes—Check the hard disk for and execute the SYS\START
file when the printer is turned on.
No—Don’t check the hard disk for a SYS\START file.
Default No
Notes This file does not print. Information on creating a SYS\START
file is available via Q-FAX (see appendix A, “QMS Customer
Support,” for information on using Q-FAX).
Menu Administration/Startup Options/Do Error Handler
Choices Yes—Load the Error Handler.
No—Don’t load the Error Handler.
Default No
Notes Refer to the
PostScript Language Reference Manual
Systems Incorporated, Reading, PA: Addison-Wesley, 1990,
ISBN 0-201-18127-4) for more information on PostScript