Specifies the number of lines printed on a page before an automatic
page eject.
Defines the left, right, top, and bottom margins in 1/100" increments.
Use the Administration/Special Pages menu to print special pages,
such as status pages, header pages, and trailer pages. See the
Crown Document Option Commands
manual for detailed information
on the contents of these special pages.
Printing a status page is a two-step procedure: Identify the type of
status page you want to print, and then print it.
Menu Administration/Emulations/Lineprinter/Lines per Page
Choices 001-128
Default 066
Notes Interline spacing is set to the selected point size. Logical pages
consisting of more lines than specified are split into multiple
Menu Administration/Emulations/Lineprinter/Margins
Choices Bottom0-1700 (0"-17.00")
Left0-1700 (0"-17.00")
Right0-1700 (0"-17.00")
Top0-1700 (0"-17.00")
Default Bottom 0
Left 0
Right 0
Top 0