Through CompuServe, you can ask general
(non-technical) questions, share information
with other users, and access printing
information and programs. When you use
CompuServe, type the following command:
go qmsprint
takes you to the forum where QMS is located.
The QMS library section contains application
notes, printer drivers, utilities, technical
information, and announcement files.
The QMS server provides access to technical
reports, new product announcements, a trade
show schedule, and other general information
about QMS.
You can access the QMS server via any one of
the many web viewers available to Internet
users. If you don’t have access to a web
viewer, we recommend the NCSA Mosaic web
viewer (Mosaic is at ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu). The
QMS home page is at
http://www.qms.com/. The QMS ftp resource is
QMS Customer Technical
Assurance (CTA)
QMS Customer Technical Assurance is
available M-F, 7:00 am-6:00 pm, Central
Standard Time, at (334) 633-4500 (US). You
can also fax questions to CTA at (334) 633-
3716 (US). Please indicate whether you would
like a fax or a phone call.
If you call for assistance, have the following
information ready so our technicians can help
you more quickly:
Your phone number, fax number, and
shipping address
A description of the problem
The printer model and serial number
The type of host computer you are using
The type and version of operating sys-
tem you are using
The interface you are using, and if serial,
the protocol
The application and version you are
The emulation you are using
Your printer firmware version (listed on
the status and start-up pages)
QMS National Service
The following numbers are valid in the US. To
contact QMS in other countries, see the list of
world-wide offices in the following section.
(800) 762-8894 Call for service information
and maintenance pricing
for repair of all QMS
printers and printers of
various other
(800) 858-1597 On-Site Service and Depot
Repair Information 7:00
am-7:00 pm, Central
Standard Time
(334) 633-4300 Spare Parts Ordering and
Information 8:00 am-5:00
pm Central Standard Time