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The MX9 has a unique 128-bit ID code as required by the Windows Mobile specification. This ID number is generated by
the boot loader. This ID code is available in the About Info settings panel, and via a Win32 standard API.
In addition, an API is provided to return a standard copyright string, so that applications may reference the string for licens-
ing purposes.
Boot Loader
The MX9 supports a proprietary boot loader. It is the responsibility of the boot loader to:
• Initialize all system hardware
• Initiate OS startup
• Handle wakeup from system suspend, loading saved state
The MX9 starts the OS every time during warm boot or restart.
Startup Folders and Launch Sequences
The MX9 operating system uses two startup folders:
• User applications placed in the Windows\Startup folder automatically run during a warm boot. They are deleted upon a
• User applications placed in the System\Startup folder automatically run during a warm boot, after a restart and after
restoring factory defaults.
Installing Applications
Applications can be installed on the MX9 from CAB files. CAB files are (re)installed after a cold boot, but not after a suspend/
resume since the OS was not reset and the CAB files are still in use. An unsigned executable (CAB or package file) prompts the
user when executed:
The program is from an unknown publisher. Running it can possibly harm your device. Do you want to continue?
If you trust the program, tap Yes. Otherwise tap No.
CAB files can be copied to the MX9 via ActiveSync or they can be installed from the Flash card.
Contact Customer Support (page 16-1) or your system administrator for more information on CAB files available for the MX9.
Software Development
The CE API Programming Guide documents API calls for the MX9. It is intended as an addition to the standard Microsoft
Windows Mobile API documentation.
A Software Developers Kit (SDK) and additional information about software development can be found on the Developer Portal.
Contact Customer Support (page 16-1) for more information.
Today Screen
For general use instruction, refer to commercially available Windows Mobile user guides or the Windows Mobile on-line Help on
the MX9.
Note: Whenever possible, use the AC power adapter with the MX9 to conserve the main battery and to ensure the internal
battery is charged.