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Description Adds a sub key to the registry.
Syntax Setregkey,key,subkey
Parameters key: The abbreviated major registry key where you want to create the subkey. Can be one
• cr or hkcr (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)
• cu or hkcu (HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
• lm or hklm (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).
The case of key doesn’t matter.
subkey: The subkey you want to create.
Example Setregkey,LM,Software\MyApp
Notes Attempting to create a key that already exists does not cause an error.
Description Creates a shortcut.
Syntax Shortcut,name,target
Parameters name: The path and name of the shortcut file. The file name must end in .lnk for Windows
to recognize it as a shortcut.
target: The target of the shortcut. If the target has a space in it quote marks must be used
(see Command Line Structure section and example below).
Example shortcut,\Program Files\Widget.lnk,"""\My App\Widget.exe"""
No validation is performed on target to be sure it is executable.