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List Box
The list box shows all user-defined control characters and their assigned replacements. All replacements are
enclosed in single quotes to delimit white space that has been assigned.
This button is grayed unless an entry in the list box is highlighted. When an entry (or entries) is highlighted, and
Delete is selected, the highlighted material is deleted from the list box.
Custom Identifiers
The Custom Identifiers button is located on the Data Options tab. Code IDs can be defined by the user. This allows
processing parameters to be configured for bar codes that do not use the standard AIM or Symbol IDs or for bar codes
that have data embedded at the beginning of the data that acts like a Code ID.
These are called “custom” Code IDs and are included in the Symbology drop down box in the Symbology dialog,
unless Enable Code ID is set to None. When the custom Code ID is found in a bar code, the configuration specified for
the custom Code ID is applied to the bar code data. The dialog below allows the custom Code IDs to be configured.
It is intended that custom code IDs are used to supplement the list of standard code IDs (if Enable Code ID is set to
AIM or Symbol), or to replace the list of standard code IDs (if Enable Code ID is set to Custom).
When Enable Code ID is set to None, custom code IDs are ignored.
Note: Custom symbologies will appear at the end of the list in the Symbology dialog, and are processed at the beginning
of the list in the scanner driver itself. This allows custom IDs based on actual code IDs to be processed before the
code ID itself.
Note: When Strip: Code ID is enabled, the entire custom Code ID string is stripped (i.e., treated as a Code ID).
Note: After adding, changing and removing items from the Custom IDs list, tap the okbutton to save changes and return
to the Barcode panel.
Name text box
Name is the descriptor that is used to identify the custom Code ID. Names must be unique from each other; however,
the Name and ID Code may have the same value. Name is used in the Symbology drop down box to identify the cus-
tom Code ID in a user-friendly manner. Both Name and ID Code must be specified in order to add a custom Code ID to
the Custom IDs list.
ID Code text box
ID Code defines the data at the beginning of a bar code that acts as an identifier (the actual Code ID). Both Name and
ID Code must be specified in order to add a custom Code ID to the Custom IDs list.
Custom ID Buttons