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Description Begins the conditional execution of a block of commands only if the specified file exists.
Syntax IfFile,file
Parameter file: The path and filename to determine if the commands should be executed
Example IfFile,\System\MyData.dat
any number of commands, executed if file exists
any number of commands, executed if file does not exist
Notes If the file already exists the commands are executed.
This test does not care if file is a file or directory.
Nesting is supported.
Begins the conditional execution of a block of commands only if the terminal matches the
specified terminal type.
Syntax IfTerm,terminal
Parameter terminal: The terminal type to determine if the commands should be executed
Example IfTerm,MX8
any number of commands
Notes If the terminal type is identical (not case-dependent) the commands are executed.
Nesting with IfFile is supported. Nesting with IfTerm is meaningless.
Description Runs a program.
Syntax Launch,program,wait-code
Parameter program: The full path and filename of the program to be run.
wait-code: Tells Launch how to behave when the program is running.
w(ait) causes Launch to stop processing the script until the program has finished
c(ontinue) makes Launch continue processing the script while the program is executing.
Example launch,\Windows\Calc.exe,w
Notes This differs from LaunchCmd in that Launch has no parameters.