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Description Removes a directory.
Syntax Rmdir,dir
Parameters dir: The full path and name of the directory to be removed.
Example rmdir,\Program Files\MyApp
Notes A directory cannot be removed if it contains files or subdirectories.
Description Adds or updates a data field in the registry.
Syntax Setregdata,key,subkey,type,field,data[,data2][,data3]...
Parameter key: The abbreviated major registry key where you want to create/update the subkey. Can
be one of:
• cr or hkcr (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)
• cu or hkcu (HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
• lm or hklm (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).
The case of key doesn’t matter
subkey: The subkey you want to create/update a field in.
type: The data type of the field you wish to create/update. Can be s (for string value), dd
(for decimal value), dx (for hexadecimal value) or b (for binary value). The case of type
doesn’t matter. If you’re altering an existing field, type can be different from the current
field: The name of the new field to be created/updated.
data: The value of the field being created. This depends on the type of field. Binary fields
can have many values (up to 2000 bytes). In this case the data field holds the number of
bytes in the binary field, and each byte is given as a subsequent parameter in hexadecimal
(data2, data3 etc.).
Example Setregdata,LM,WidgetsPlc\Info,s,AppName,The Widget Program