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Enhanced Launch Utility
The launch utility has two functions:
• Process registry based Launch items
• Process script based Launch items.
The registry based Launch items are processed before the script based Launch items.
Registry Based Launch Items
Note: The Registry based Launch items (documented here) are processed before the Script Based Launch items.
The Launch utility can use registry entries to auto-launch Windows CAB files. These CAB files exist as separate files from the
main installation image, and are copied to the device using ActiveSync, or using the optional SD card. The CAB files are copied
into the folder System, which is the internal Flash drive. Then, information is added to the registry, if desired, to make the CAB
file auto-launch at startup.
The registry information needed is under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LXE\Persist. The main subkey is any
text, and is a description of the file.
Then the values are added:
The auto-launch process is as follows.
1. The launch utility opens the registry database and reads the list of CAB files to auto-launch.
2. First it looks for FileName to see if the CAB file is present.
• If not, the registry entry is ignored.
• If it is present, and the Installed flag is not set, auto-launch makes a copy of the CAB file (since it gets deleted by
installation), and runs the Microsoft utility WCELOAD to install it.
3. If the Installed flag is set, auto-launch looks for the FileCheck file.
• If it is present, the CAB file is installed and that registry entry is complete..
• If the FileCheck file is not present, memory has been lost, and the utility calls WCELOAD to reinstall the CAB file.
4. This process repeats for the next entry in the registry, until all registry entries are analyzed.
• To force execution every time, use a FileCheck of “dummy”, which is never found, forcing the item to execute. If an
AUTOEXEC.BAT file is found, the terminal runs it by default.
• For persist keys specifying .EXE or .BAT files, the executing process is started, and then Launch continues, leaving the
loading process to run independently.
• For other persist keys (including .CAB files), Launch waits for the loading process to complete before continuing. This is
important, for example, to ensure that a .CAB file is installed before the .EXE files from the .CAB file are run.
Value Need
FileName Required String Name of the CAB file, with full path (usually \System)
Installed Required DWORD Starts as 0, changed to 1 when the CAB file is installed
FileCheck Required String File name, with full path, of a file installed by the CAB file. If this file is not found,
Launch assumes the CAB file is not installed or memory was lost.
Order Optional DWORD Determines sequence of installation. Order=0 is installed first, order=99 is installed
Delay Optional DWORD Delay, in seconds, after this item is installed and before the next one is installed. If the
install fails (or is not found) the delay does not occur.
PCMCIA Optional DWORD 1=power up PCMCIA/CF slot after installation