The ‘Data Transfer’
option allows the GPSMAP
195 to exchange track log,
waypoint, almanac, and
route data with a personal
computer or another
When transferring data
to/from another GPSMAP
195, select the type of data
and whether to ‘request’ it
from or ‘send’ it to the other
The input/output submenu lets you control interface settings for
connecting to external NMEA devices, a DGPS receiver or a personal
computer. The ‘Input/Output Format’ field, at the top of the page, lets
you specify one of seven interface formats:
• Aviation In/No Out is a proprietary interface for connection to
a GARMIN panel-mounted GPS receiver. With this selection, and
a two-wire connection to the panel-mounted GPS receiver, any
GOTO or route selection is automatically displayed on the
GPSMAP 195. This eliminates the need to enter the data into
both units.
• Data Transfer is the proprietary interface that allows you to
update the Jeppesen database. This format is also used to
exchange data such as waypoints, routes and track logs between
GPSMAP units or with a GARMIN PC Software Kit.
• NMEA In/NMEA Out supports input from an NMEA compati-
ble external device and provides NMEA 0183 output. (See
Appendix B for additional NMEA sentence information.)
• NMEA In/No Out allows input from a NMEA compatible exter-
nal device, with no output capabilities.
• No In/NMEA Out provides navigation information to a
compatible NMEA 0183 v.2.0 device at 4800 baud.
• No In/No Out provides no interfacing capabilities.
• RTCM In/NMEA Out allows Differential GPS (DGPS) input
using a standard RTCM format and also provides selectable
NMEA output.
• RTCM In/No Out allows DGPS input using a standard RTCM
format, without output capabilities.
To select an input/output format:
1. Highlight the ‘Input/Output Format’ field and press
2. Select the desired setting and press
When the ‘Data Transfer’ option is selected, you’ll need to specify
what information to request or send to the remote unit through the
Transfer Mode field. The ‘slave’ setting lets you control all data
transfer from the ‘external’ GPS receiver, or PC, while the other
settings request or send specific data from the primary unit.
Information describing the settings required is provided with each
Database Update diskette and with the PC Software Kit. Generally, for
database updates or PC connections, use the ‘Data Transfer’ format
and select ‘Slave Mode’ (as shown at left).
If you are using the NMEA 0183 v.2.0 interface setting, the baud
rate is automatically set to 4800.
Main Menu: Setup
gps 195 manual C 7/1/99 4:49 PM Page 74