To reset the trip (TRP)
odometer, select ‘Reset Trip
Distance?’ from the position
page options.
Other position coordinate
formats, such as the degree/
minute/second format
shown, are readily available
from the main menu
(described on page 70).
• Start Simulator or Exit Simulator?— allows you to start
the simulator mode or to cancel simulator mode and return
to normal operation. (See page 17 in the TakeOff Tour for
more information on using simulator mode.)
The GPSMAP 195’s position page shows you where you are, what
direction you are heading and how fast you are going. The top of the
page features a graphic compass to indicate your ground track (or
course over ground) while moving, and four user selectable data
fields: ground track (TRK), ground speed (SPD), distance traveled
(TRP) and altitude (ALT). The bottom half of the page displays
coordinates for your present position, along with the time of day as
calculated using GPS satellites. The status bar at the bottom of the
page indicates position fix status, and is described on page 8.
The units of measure for speed, distance, position and altitude are
all user selectable through the navigation setup option on the main
menu page. The time of day, shown in UTC (Universal Time
Coordinated, Greenwich Mean Time or Zulu Time), may be set to
display in a 12- or 24-hour time format and may also be adjusted to
local time through the setup menu option on the main menu page.
Current Time
Data Fields
Graphic Compass
(ground track)
Present Position
Position Page
gps 195 manual C 7/1/99 4:49 PM Page 49