The HSI options page allows you to define the user-selectable data
fields, set OBS or track bug headings, or capture a VNAV profile.
To display the HSI page options:
1. Press
(with the HSI page displayed).
To select a menu option:
1. Highlight the desired option and press
The following options are available:
• Set OBS and Hold?— allows you to manually define the
course to your destination waypoint. Once selected, the
GPSMAP 195 will use the OBS course setting for CDI and
desired track pointer.
NOTE: When using the GPSMAP 195’s route features, ‘Set OBS and Hold?’
will prevent the unit from automatically sequencing to the next route waypoint.
To maintain the OBS course and retain automatic sequencing, you must also
select the ‘Release Hold?’ option, described below.
To manually set a course to the destination waypoint:
1. Highlight the ‘Set OBS and Hold?’ option and press
. The OBS
data field (bottom left of HSI display) will present an OBS heading.
2. Select the desired OBS course using the LEFT and RIGHT arrows of
keypad and press
. The D-bar on the CDI will now show
steering guidance to the selected course.
To cancel the OBS course and reset a direct course to the waypoint:
1. Press
followed by
• Release Hold?— cancels the ‘hold’ feature enabled when
the ‘Set OBS and Hold?’ option is selected. This option
returns the GPSMAP 195 to automatic sequencing of way-
points along the active route. However, if an OBS course has
been selected, that course will be retained until cancelled (as
described above) or until waypoint passage.
The ‘Set OBS and Hold?’
function allows you to spec-
ify an inbound heading to a
destination waypoint.
When this option is selected,
an OBS heading appears in
the bottom left corner of the
HSI display. Use the
keypad to select the OBS
To turn the VNAV indi-
cator on or off, select ‘Setup
HSI Features?’ from the HSI
options page. By default,
the VNAV indicator is
turned on.
HSI Page
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