
OTH- Other
ºC- Degrees Celsius
ºF- Degrees Fahrenheit
PC- Pilot Controlled
POSN- Position
PRES- Barometric Pressure
(Altimeter Setting)
PROX- Proximity
PRX- Proximity
PT- Part Time
PTX- Pre-Taxi
PWR- Power
RDR- Radar
REQ- Required
RF- Reference
RFLOW- Right Fuel Flow
RNG- Range
RNWY- Runway
RSTCD- Restricted
RSV- Reserves
Radio Technical Commission for
Maritime Services
RTE- Route
RX- Receive Only
SAR- Search And Rescue
SEC- Seconds
SEQ- Sequence
SGL- Signal
SID- Standard Instrument Departure
SLCT- Select
SPD- Ground Speed
SRFC- Surface
STAR- Standard Terminal
Arrival Route
STR- Steer To
TACAN- Tactical Air Navigational Aid
TAS- True Airspeed
TAT - Total Air Temperature
TEMP- Temperature
TMA- ICAO Terminal Control Area
TRK- Ground Track
TRN- Transition
TRN- Turn Angle to Waypoint
TRSA- Terminal Radar Service Area
TWR- Tower
TX- Transmit Only
U- UTC Time
UNI- Unicom
URA- User Range Accuracy
USER- User Waypoint
USR- User Waypoint
UTC- Universal Time Coordinated
(GMT/ Zulu)
VN- VNAV or Vertical Navigation
VNAV- Vertical Navigation
VOR- VOR Waypoint
VST Vertical Speed To Target
WPT- Active (Destination) Waypoint Name
WX- Weather
gps 195 manual C 7/1/99 4:49 PM Page 103