Airspace Ahead Less Than 10 min—Your project-
ed course and current altitude will place you within an
airspace within 10 minutes, based on your current
track over ground.
Airspace Near and Ahead—Your present position is
within 2 nm of an airspace based upon your current
course and altitude.
Alarm Clock—The alarm clock time that was set
from the alarms submenu has been reached.
Approaching—You are one minute away from reach-
ing a destination waypoint.
Approaching Target Altitude—The current altitude
is within 1000 feet of the final VNAV target altitude.
Approaching VNAV Profile—You are within one
minute of reaching the initial VNAV descent point.
Arrival At—You are within the arrival alarm circle of
the indicated waypoint.
Battery Power is Low—The batteries are low and
should be replaced or recharged.
Cannot Navigate Locked Route—You have at-
tempted to navigate a route with a locked waypoint. A
waypoint can be ‘locked’ when the database is updat-
ed if the waypoint does not exist in the new database.
Can’t Change An Active Waypoint—You have
attempted to change the ‘Active To’ or ‘Active From’
waypoint. Clear the active route or GOTO before mak-
ing your changes.
Cross-Track Alarm—You are right or left of course,
beyond the limits set on the alarms/CDI submenu.
Data Card Checksum Failure—The data on the
detail cartridge is corrupt or missing. The cartridge
should be replaced.
Data Card Format is Not Recognized—The detail
cartridge is blank or programmed in an incompatible
format. No cartridge data will be displayed.
Data Transfer is Complete—Transfer of data to the
unit, for database update or using the PC software kit,
has been completed.
Database Memory Has Failed—The internal mem-
ory for the Jeppesen database has failed. The unit
should be taken to an authorized GARMIN service
center immediately.
Degraded Accuracy—The accuracy of the GPSMAP
195 has been degraded beyond 500 meters due to
poor satellite geometry or data quality. You should
check other navigational sources to verify the position
Inside Airspace—Your aircraft has entered the
boundaries of special use or controlled airspace.
Leg Not Smoothed—The upcoming route leg is too
short for smooth waypoint transitions.
Memory Battery Power is Low—The battery that
sustains user memory is low and should be replaced
by an authorized GARMIN service center as soon as
possible. Failure to do so may result in loss of stored
data, including all user waypoints and routes.
Near Airspace Less Than 2 nm—Your position is
within 2 nautical miles of an airspace, and your cur-
rent course will not take you inside.
Need Altitude—The GPSMAP 195 needs altitude
input in order to start and/or continue 2D navigation.
Need to Select Init Method—The GPSMAP 195
needs altitude in order to start and/or continue 2D
navigation. Press the NAV key and enter your antenna
altitude on the position page. The altitude you enter
should be as accurate as possible. An inaccurate alti-
tude can translate directly into an inaccurate position.
No Differential GPS Position—Not enough data is
available to compute a DGPS position.
Oscillator Needs Adjustment—The GPSMAP 195
has detected excessive drift in its internal crystal oscil-
lator which may result in longer acquisition time. The
unit should be taken to an authorized GARMIN ser-
vice center immediately.
Poor GPS Coverage—The GPSMAP 195 cannot
acquire the necessary number of satellites to compute
a position. Try another location with a clearer view of
the sky.
Power Down and Re-init—The GPSMAP 195 is not
able to calculate a position due to abnormal satellite
conditions.Turn the unit off and verify the last position
shown by other means. Try the unit again later, possi-
bly in a different location.
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