ALT- Altitude
APP- Approach
APR- Approach
APT- Airport Waypoint
ARV- Arrival
ATF- Aerodrome Traffic Frequency
ATS- Automatic Terminal Information
Service (ATIS)
AVGS- Aviation Gas
AZM- Azimuth (bearing)
BRG- Bearing
CAS- Calibrated Airspeed
CDI- Course Deviation Indicator
CL B- Class B
CL C- Class C
CLR- Clearance Delivery
CPA- Closest Point of Approach
CTA- ICAO Control Area
CTAF- Common Traffic Advisory Frequency
CTF- Common Traffic Advisory Frequency
CTS- Course To Steer
CUM- Cumulative
DALT- Density Altitude
DEG- Degrees
DEP- Departure
DIS- Distance To Waypoint
DME - Distance Measuring Equipment
DOP- Dilution of Precision
DTK- Desired Track
ELEV- Elevation
ENDUR- Endurance
EPE- Estimated Position Error
ESA- Enroute Safe Altitude
ETA- Estimated Time of Arrival
ETE- Estimated Time Enroute
ETV Estimated Time to VNAV
FLOW- Fuel Flow Rate
FOB- Fuel On Board
FPM- Feet Per Minute
FR- From
FSS- Flight Service Station
FT- Feet
FT- Full Time
GL- Gallons
GND- Ground
GPS- Global Positioning System
GR Glide Ratio
GRT Glide ratio to Target
GS- Ground Speed
HDG- Heading
HG- Inches of Mercury
IALT- Indicated Altitude
ILS- Instrument Landing System
IG- Imperial Gallons
INT- Intersection Waypoint
JET A- Jet Fuel - Type A
JET B- Jet Fuel - Type B
KH- Kilometers Per Hour
KM- Kilometers
KT- Knots
LB- Pounds
LCL- Local
LEN- Length
LFOB- Leftover Fuel On Board
LFLOW- Left Fuel Flow
LOC- Localizer
LT- Liters
MAG VAR- Magnetic Variation
MB- Millibars Of Pressure
MF- Mandatory Frequency
MH- Statute Miles Per Hour
MI- Statute Miles
MIN- Minimum
MIN - Minutes
MOA- Military Operations Area
MPM- Meters Per Minute
MPS- Meters Per Second
MSA- Minimum Safe Altitude
MT- Meters
MUL- Multicom
NDB- NDB Waypoint
NM- Nautical Miles
NMEA- National Marine Electronics Association
NP- Non-Precision
NR- Nearest
OBS- Omni-directional Bearing Select
(Inbound Course Select)
This appendix provides a complete list of GPSMAP 195 abbrevia-
tions and their meanings.
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