Main Menu: DSC Tab
MMSI number attached to the call (if you have DSC support). Any DSC-equipped mariner (on sea or
land) within range can receive the call.
When the Garmin GPSMAP 188/188C/238 is connected to a VHF with DSC support, the GPS unit
displays a Call List, Log, and a Directory available to store incoming information received from another
user’s DSC capable VHF/GPS combination. Basic wiring is required for the Garmin unit and VHF radio
to send and receive NMEA data from each other (pg.87).
Distress Call
With a Garmin DSC capable chartplotter/sounder properly connected to a VHF radio with DSC
output, you may receive any DSC Distress Call within range. A window will pop up and a message
displays when a Distress Call is received. To notify you a Distress Call has been received, an alarm
will sound (if enabled). The alarm only
sounds on a Distress Call, and it will not sound on a Position
Report. Distress Calls are broadcasted to all DSC users in radio range.
Options available from this screen are:
• Show on Map: If you immediately wants to see the caller’s position they select ‘Show on Map’.
• Create Waypoint: If you want to create a waypoint of that posistion, highlight ‘Create Waypoint’
and press ENTER/MARK.
You also have the ability to input a caller’s name, if it is known. (The caller’s name replaces the
MMSI number as a reference once it is entered.)
DSC Position Report
The Position Report operates similarly to the Distress Call. Remember this type of contact is like a
phone call, but no emergency alarms are set off and the call is specifi c to the receiver. Position Reports
are not broadcasted to all DSC users.
Distress Call Message
Position Report Message
188188C238 Manual Part 2.indd 79 6/30/2003, 3:32:27 PM