Map Page Options
The GPSMAP 188/188C/238 Sounder’s system has a built-in worldwide database to 20 mi, with
more detailed coverage available through the use of the optional BlueChart or MapSource data. The
GPSMAP 188/188C/238 Sounder displays cartography as long as there is chart information available
for the range you’ve selected. Map coverage will conform to the following conditions:
• When the selected zoom range is covered by either the internal database, BlueChart, or MapSource
data, cartography will be displayed.
• When the selected zoom range is covered by both the internal database and BlueChart/MapSource
data, cartography will be displayed using the data with the best resolution.
• When the selected zoom range exceeds the resolution of the data in use, overzoom cartography will
be displayed and an ‘overzoom’ warning appears below the scale fi eld.
Map Page Options
Many features of the GPSMAP 188/188C/238 Sounder are menu driven. Each of the main pages
has an options menu, allowing you to custom tailor the corresponding page to your preferences and/or
select special features that specifi cally relate to that page. The data window, located at the top of the
main pages provides a user-selectable layout of various types of useful data or sonar information. Each
data fi eld may be confi gured to display any one of several data options. The data window layout may
also be changed to display additional data fi elds and change the actual size of the data displayed. The
GPSMAP 188/188C/238 Sounder’s Map Page provides access to functions and features relating to the
Map Page and the layout options.
To select an option on the Map Page:
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the desired option and press ENTER.
The available options on the Map Page are: Full Screen Map/Show Data, Change Numbers,
Measure Distance, Show Sonar/Show Numbers, Size Split, Set Up Map, and Turn Declutter On/Turn
Declutter Off. Following are details on using each of these options.
Map Page Options (with Numbers shown)
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