Map Page Cursor
To activate and move the cursor:
1. Press the ARROW KEYPAD in an UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT direction.
As you move the cursor, the distance and bearing from your present position to the cursor are-
displayed in the data window, along with the cursor’s position coordinates. When you zoom in cursor
mode, the cursor is centered on the screen. When the cursor is stationary, a fi xed coordinate position
appears in the position fi eld, and the distance and bearing from your present position changes as your
boat moves.
To eliminate the cursor and re-center your position on the screen:
1. Press the QUIT key. The GPSMAP 188/188C/238 returns to position mode.
The cursor may also be used to “snap-to” on-screen waypoints and map items, allowing you to
review details about a selected position directly from the map display.
To select an on-screen waypoint or map item with the cursor:
1. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to move the cursor to the desired waypoint or map item. If there are
several items grouped closely together, zoom IN closer for a better view.
2. When a waypoint or map item is selected, it is highlighted on the screen, with the name and posi-
tion displayed.
To view additional details about an on-screen waypoint or map item:
1. With the desired item highlighted , press ENTER.
2. If the symbol is a waypoint, the Waypoint Review page appears, allowing you to review and edit the
properties of the selected waypoint (see pages 48-49 for more information on the Waypoint Review
If the item is a map feature, an Information page appears, showing details about the map item.
With many map items, additional information tabs appears. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight
the individual tabs to display additional details and options.
Move the cursor over
an item on the map to
highlight it.
Pressing ENTER while
highlighting a map item
will bring up additional
details and options.
Additional information
Option buttons
188188C238 Manual Part 1.indd 23 6/30/2003, 3:34:37 PM