
Map Page Options
You may also choose to ‘merge’ the four medium, default data fi elds to a single, large fi eld for better
readability, or ‘split’ any or all of the default data fi elds to show 4 small data fi elds. This option is avail-
able from any of the main pages with the exception of the Numbers Page. One the Numbers Page, you
may split each of the 3 large data fi elds into 4 medium fi elds, for a total of 12 data fi elds.
To split or merge the Numbers fi elds:
1. While in ‘Change Numbers’ mode, highlight the data fi eld you want to change and press MENU.
2. Choose ‘Split Number’ or ‘Merge Numbers’, then press ENTER. You will now see four new data
fi elds or one large fi eld. Press QUIT when done.
3. To return to the factory confi guration, repeat the above steps, but instead choose ‘Defaults’, then
press ENTER. Press QUIT when done.
• Measure Distance — allows you to measure the bearing and distance between any two points on
the map display.
To measure the bearing/distance between two points:
1. Highlight the ‘Measure Distance’ option and press ENTER. An on-screen pointer appears on the
map display at your present position with ‘ENT REF’ below it.
2. Move the cursor to the desired reference point (the point that you want to start measuring from)
and press ENTER.
3. Mov
e the cursor to the point that you want to measure to. The bearing and distance from the
reference point, will be displayed in the data window below the data fi elds, along with the cursor’s
coordinates. Press the QUIT key to fi nish.
• Show Sonar/Show Numbers — toggles between a Map Page with Sonar information on the top
portion, or a Map Page with data fi elds on the top of the display.
To show sonar or show data fi elds:
1. Highlight either the ‘Show Sonar’ or ‘Show Numbers’ option and press ENTER. The Map Page will
now be split with sonar and depth information or data fi elds showing on the top.
Single, large data fi eld
Default, medium fi elds
Split, small fi elds
Distance and
Map Cursor
Full screen map shown
(with BlueChart data)
188188C238 Manual Part 1.indd 28 6/30/2003, 3:34:40 PM