Getting Started
Highway Page
Whenever the GPSMAP 188/188C/238 Sounder is in simulator mode, you can also adjust your
speed and course from the Highway Page using the ARROW KEYPAD. As you head toward each
waypoint in the tour route, try adjusting your boat speed and course to get a feel for how the highway
To adjust the simulated boat speed/heading from the Highway Page:
1. Press the UP arrow of the ARROW KEYPAD to increase the speed in 10 knot/kph/mph increments.
Press the DOWN arrow to decrease the speed in the same increments. Press the LEFT and RIGHT
arrows of the ARROW KEYPAD to steer the boat (adjust the heading).
NOTE: In simulator mode, you may also change the simulated speed by pressing UP or
DOWN on the ARROW KEYPAD from the Compass page.
Notice that as you get off course, the highway will move to give you graphic guidance to get back
on course. You can zoom in or out on the Highway display for a smaller or larger view. Five available
settings range from 1X to 16X, with a default setting of 8X. The current scale appears in the bottom
right of the display.
To zoom in or out on the highway display:
1. Press either the IN or OUT key to increase or decrease the zoom scale.
Steer towards the center of the highway or towards
the black vertical bar on the compass ribbon to get
back on course.
188188C238 Manual Part 1.indd 18 6/30/2003, 3:34:34 PM