Appendix J
Specifi cations
DGPS (WAAS) Accuracy
Position: 3 meters (10 feet), 95% typical*
Velocity: 0.05 meters/sec steady state
Dynamics: 6g's
* Warm = all data known; Cold = position, time and almanac known; AutoLocate = almanac known, position and time
unknown; Skysearch = no data known.
** Subject to accuracy degradation to 100m 2DRMS under the U.S. DOD-imposed Selective Availability Program.
Source: GPSMAP 188/238: 8-35v DC
GPSMAP 188C: 10-35v DC
Usage: 188/238: 8 watts max. at 13.8v DC; 188C: 14 watts max. at 13.8v DC
Fuse: GPSMAP 188/238: AGC/3AG - 2.0 Amp
GPSMAP 188C: AGC/3AG - 5.0 Amp
Sounder Power: 500 watts (RMS)
4000 watts (peak to peak)
Frequency: 50/200 kHz (45°/15°)
Depth: 1500 foot max depth*
* Depth capacity is dependent on water salinity, bottom type and other water conditions.
188188C238 Manual Part 2.indd 117 6/30/2003, 3:33:00 PM