Garmin aera 795/796 Pilot’s Guide
190-01194-00 Rev. C
GPS Navigation
Overview GPS Navigation Flight Planning Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Appendices Index
The HSI/Panel shows GPS-derived data in a graphical format. Keep in mind the
differences between the GPS-derived panel and mechanical instruments, as mechanical
panel instruments use sensors that provide information different from that derived
using GPS.
Vertical Speed
Turn Rate Indicator
Ground Speed
CDI Scale
The Panel shows a graphic Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) surrounded by
additional indicators.
The graphic HSI depicts the course to the destination or the next waypoint in a flight
plan, current ground track, off course error, and a To/From indication. The rotating
compass indicates your current ground track.
The course pointer and course deviation needle indicate the course and whether you
are on the course. The Bug Indicator can be set to ‘Bearing’ (default), ‘Course to Steer’,
a specific heading reference (‘User Selected’), or ‘Off’.
Bearing is the compass direction from the present position to a destination waypoint.
Course to Steer is the recommended direction to steer in order to reduce cross-track
error and return to the course line.
The Course Deviation Indicator, or needle, indicates how far off course, left or right,
based on its placement along the course deviation scale.