Garmin aera 795/796 Pilot’s Guide
190-01194-00 Rev. C
Appendix F
Overview GPS Navigation Flight Planning Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Appendices Index
algorithm may report incorrect horizontal position until the maneuvering aircraft
•Whenarapidlyclosing intruderis on acourse thatintercepts the clientaircraft
course at a shallow angle (either overtaking or head-on) and either aircraft abruptly
changes course within 0.25 nm, TIS-A may display the intruder aircraft on the
incorrect side of the client aircraft.
These are rare occurrences and are typically resolved within a few radar sweeps once
the client/intruder aircraft course stabilizes.
Pilots using TIS-A can provide valuable assistance in the correction of malfunctions
by reporting observations of undesirable performance. Reports should identify the time
of observation, location, type and identity of the aircraft, and describe the condition
observed. Reports should also include the type of transponder and transponder
software version. Since TIS-A performance is monitored by maintenance personnel,
not ATC, malfunctions should be reported in the following ways:
at FAA FSSs, General Aviation District Offices, Flight Standards District Offices, and
General Aviation Fixed Base Operators)