
Garmin aera 795/796 Pilot’s Guide
190-01194-00 Rev. C
Hazard Avoidance
Overview GPS Navigation Flight Planning Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Appendices Index
WARNING: Do not use data link weather information for maneuvering in,
near, or around areas of hazardous weather. Information contained within
data link weather products may not accurately depict current weather
WARNING: Do not use the indicated data link weather product age to
determine the age of the weather information shown by the datalink weather
product. Due to time delays inherent in gathering and processing weather
data for data link transmission, the weather information shown by the data
link weather product may be significantly older than the indicated weather
product age.
SiriusXM Weather Products can be displayed on the Navigation Map and individually
on the Weather Maps.
The setup menu for the Navigation Map controls the map range settings above which
weather products are decluttered from the display. If a map range larger than the
weather product map range setting is selected, the weather product data is removed
from the map. For weather products such as Lightning, and Storm Cells, the weather
product is displayed when a map range “smaller” than the weather product map range
setting is selected (Satellite Mosaic works inversely). The menu also provides a means
for enabling/disabling display of ‘Airmets’, ‘Sigmets’, ‘Weather Data’, ‘NEXRAD’, and/
or ‘Fronts’ on the Navigation Map.
Additional information about the following can be displayed by panning over the
display on map:
Additional information is also available for the following weather products on the
Weather Map (not displayed on the Navigation Map):
•Forecast •PIREPs