Garmin aera 795/796 Pilot’s Guide
190-01194-00 Rev. C
Appendix C
OverviewGPS NavigationFlight PlanningHazard AvoidanceAdditional FeaturesAppendicesIndex
The following databases are provided by Garmin:
• WorldwideBasemap
• WorldwideTerrain
• Obstacle
• SafeTaxi
• FliteCharts
• IFR/VFRCharts
The basemap database contains data for the topography and land features, such as
rivers, lakes, and towns. It is updated only periodically, with no set schedule. There is
no expiration date.
The FliteCharts database contains procedure charts for the United States only. This
database is updated on a 28-day cycle.
IFr/vFr chArtS
The IFR/VFR Chart database contains Sectionals, Hi-Altitude, Low-Altitude, World
Aeronautical Charts (WAC), and Terminal Aera Charts (TAC). This database is updated
on a 28-day cycle.
The SafeTaxi database contains detailed airport diagrams for selected airports.
These diagrams aid in following ground control instructions by accurately displaying
the aircraft position on the map in relation to taxiways, ramps, runways, terminals, and
services. This database is updated on a 56-day cycle.
The obstacle database contains data for obstacles, such as towers, that pose a
potential hazard to aircraft. Obstacles 200 feet and higher are included in the obstacle
database. It is very important to note that not all obstacles are necessarily charted and
therefore may not be contained in the obstacle database. This database is updated on
a 56-day cycle.