
D Keyboard.layouts Parameter: Values
Table 23 contains the values that you can use for the Keyboard.layouts parameter (to
designate the keyboard type).
TIP: You can use the Keyboard.layouts parameter in wlx.ini, $MAC.ini, and
{username}.ini files.
CAUTION: All values listed in Table 23 work on the thin client locally.
However, the values marked with an x are also supported on ICA and RDP connections
In addition, values listed in the Notes column that are marked with an asterisk (*) are
legacy values that are supported by ICA or RDP (as marked).
Keyboard.layouts=us \
Table 23 Keyboard.layouts Values
Country ICA RDP Value Notes
Albania al
Armenia am_phonetic Phonetic
Arabic x x ara *Arabic (Egypt)
ara_azerty Azerty
ara_azerty_digits Azerty\digits
ara_digits Digits
Azerbajian az_cyrillic Cyrillic
Bangladesh bd_probhat
Belarus by
by_winkeys Winkeys
by_latin Latin
Belgium x be *Belgian French
be_nodeadkeys Eliminate dead keys
be_iso-alternate ISO alternate
Sun dead keys
Bhutan bt
Bosnia ba_unicode Use Bosnian digraphs
ba_alternatequotes Use guillmots for quotes
ba_unicodeus US keyboard with Bosnian digraphs
ba_us US keyboard with Bosnian letters
Brazil x x br *Brazilian