vi Summary of Revisions
Dell Inc. 883933-11 Rev. D
The following changes were made to this document since revision C
Reference Description
Updated URLs Updated various Wyse Web site URLs.
Bootorder New INI parameter to set the boot order in the BIOS added
to Table 5 "General Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and
{username}.ini files."
Citrix ICA Connect Options New Citrix naming for ICA connect options in "Citrix (ICA)
Connect Options."
Connect has the following new values:
• Ericom_PowerTerm
Connect= parameter updated in Table 7 "Connection
Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files"
to include the following values:
• Ericom_PowerTerm
Custom Connect Options New Custom connect options in "Custom Connect
Ericom PowerTerm Connect Options New Ericom PowerTerm Connect Options connect options
in "Ericom PowerTerm® TEC Connect Options."
INIFileSource New INI parameter to specify the location of the ini file to
use added to Table 5 "General Settings: wlx.ini files,
$MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files."
MgmtDiscoveryMethod New parameter to specify the automatic discovery
methods you want to use for the automatic discovery of a
thin client (after failure of thin client discovery) added to
Table 2 "General Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)."
NoGrabKeyboard NoGrabKeyboard added to Table 3 "Peripheral Settings:
wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only" providing an option to
enable or disable the grabbing of keyboard events in any
direct RDP connection session.
RepeatRate New INI parameter to specify the number of allowable
repeat key presses per second added to Table 6 "Peripheral
Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini
RdpDriveMap DO NOT USE. Deprecated and removed from Table 7
"Connection Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and
{username}.ini files."
See replacement RDP.DriveMap= in Table 7 "Connection
Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files"
and see also Drives= in Table 12 "RDP Connect Options."
Rdp.DriveMap New parameter Rdp.DriveMap to enable drive mapping in
an RDP session added to Table 7 "Connection Settings:
wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files."
See Drives= in Table 12 "RDP Connect Options."
VMWareViewExcludeUSBFamily New parameter to specify the USB family of devices that are
excluded from the VMWare View session (comma
separated USB device families that are excluded from the
VMWare View session) added to Table 4 "Connection
Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)."