Parameters for WLX INI and $MAC INI Files Only 11
Default is the following order SRV, CNAME,
HOSTNAME, UI, DHCP (if any of the methods
specified in the INI file fails).
Specifies the automatic discovery methods you want
to use for the automatic discovery of a thin client after
failure of thin client discovery. Use any or all of the
• SRV — DNS SRV Record (Dynamic Discovery)
Allows devices to use the DNS SRV record
lookup method to discover a WDM Server.
• CName — DNS Alias Allows devices to use the
DNS Alias method to discover a WDM Server.
• Hostname — DNS Name Record (Dynamic
Discovery) Allows devices to use the DNS
Hostname lookup method to discover a WDM
• UI — Allows devices to use the UI entries to
discover a WDM Server.
• DHCP Option Tags — (Dynamic Discovery)
Allows devices to use DHCP option tags to
discover a WDM Server.
• Static — Allows devices to use a static location
to discover a WDM Server. NOTE: When the
Static option is used, the
MgmtDiscoveryMethod parameter should be
used with a valid Fully Qualified Domain Name
or IP Address.
• Default — The Default method to discover a
WDM Server is used when none is specified or
if any of the methods mentioned in this section
fails; then the default method is used which is
the following dicovery order {SRV, CNAME,
NewAddons=<name of addon> Specifies addons to install. Use comma separated
add-on names. See also AutoInstallPackagesUrl
no, yes} Default is no.
Yes/no option to enable the keyboard event grabbing
in any direct RDP connection session (not supported
through VMware View broker).
For example:
Specifies addons to uninstall. Use comma separated
add-on names.
NOTE: Since this is based on the deb package removal
process, it may fail if a dependency is not satisfied or
extra packages may be removed as well because of
the dependencies requirements. Use this option only
when it is necessary and dependencies are clearly
understood by administrators.
Table 2 General Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only, Continued
Parameter Description