Connect Parameter: Options 31
Citrix (ICA) Connect Options
Table 9 contains the supported options you can use for ICA connections.
BrowserIP= \
Application="Desktop" \
Description="ICA_Desktop " \
AutoConnect=Yes \
Reconnect=Yes \
Encryption=128 \
Colors=16m \
Fullscreen=No \
Resolution=800x600 \
Username=$UN \
Password=$PW \
Domainname=$DN \
Alternate=Yes \
LowBand=Yes \
Table 9 ICA Connect Options
Option Description
* Applicaton=published application Specifies the published application to launch.
NOTE: Mandatory if no host option is specified.
AudioBandwidthLimit={0, 1} Default is 0.
Ensures medium quality audio when set to 1. For UDP
Audio feature to be operational, this parameter should
be set to 1.
AutoConnect={no, yes} Yes/no option to start a connection automatically at
BrowserIP=list of browsers Lists IP addresses or DNS registered names to specify
ICA browsers. Items on the list must be separated by
semicolons or commas.
Colors={256, 64k, 16m} Specifies the session color mode. For faster display
performance, use 256 colors.
Default = 64k.
Command=start command Lists a string of commands to be executed after
logging on to the server. The maximum is 127
Description=string description Connection description. Provides a connection name
for the Desktop icon and the Connection Manager.
CAUTION: The text must be enclosed in double
quotation marks if it contains spaces or punctuation
characters. These characters are not allowed: & ‘ “ $ ? !
| ; ( ) [ ] { } \
Directory=working directory Specifies a directory to be used as the working
directory after logging on to the server. The maximum
is 63 characters.