12 Chapter 3
RepoConfigFile = {Default or
RepoConfigFile = {Default or <filename>} where
<filename> is the file that is expected to contain
content in the format seen on regular sources.list and
should be placed in the root directory where the
corresponding wnos.ini/wlx.ini reside.
RepoConfigFile=Default : restore back to factory
RepoConfigFile=my_file.list : use my_file.list
RootPath=root path This root path is used to access files on the server. The
directory name /wlx will be appended to the root path
entry before use.
NOTE: If no root path is provided, /wyse is the default.
ScreenSaver={0 to 180}
[LockTerminal={no, yes}]
ScreenSaver — Specifies to put the thin client in a
screensaver state when the time limit for inactivity in
minutes (delay before starting) is reached.
NOTE: Put the parameters on the same line. For
example: ScreenSaver= 5 LockTerminal=yes
LockTerminal — Yes/no option to specify the thin
client LOCK state function when the screen saver is
no — Disabled.
yes — Puts the thin client in a LOCK state when the
screen saver is activated. The user will be prompted
with an unlock dialog box to enter the sign-on
password to unlock the thin client.
StoreFront={yes, no} Yes/no option to have the connection attempt to
connect to the Storefront server. If set to no, the
connection will attempt to connect to the PNAgent
server. There is no default value. If the parameter is not
specified, it will be considered as a Server connection.
StoreName=<Name of the Store> Name of the Store to connect through the PNAgent
server or Storefront server.
SystemLogo={None, Default,
Specifies the logo displayed on the System
Information dialog box.
None — Sets the logo to the Wyse default image file.
Default — Sets the logo to the Wyse default image file.
Filename — Sets the logo to the image file contained
in the bitmap directory of the file server. It is
recommended to use a PNG file no larger than 100
(Width) x 64 (height) pixels.
SystemURL=<URL> Specifies the URL displayed on the System
Information dialog box.
TerminalName=name of thin client Name of the thin client comprising a 15-character
TimeFormat={“12-hour format”,
“24-hour format”}
Specifies the time format to use (how the clock on the
desktop panel is displayed). By default, the local
format is used.
Table 2 General Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only, Continued
Parameter Description