Parameters for WLX INI and $MAC INI Files Only 9
DefaultBrowser={yes, no} Yes/no option to display the default terminal
connection icon on the home screen of the desktop
for the high privilege users.
NOTE: In cases of autologin, the user must logout/
reboot to see the changes take effect. The boot-up
time is faster than the time to execute the INI file
(completes before fetching INI file from the server).
DefaultTerminal={yes, no} Yes/no option to display the default chromium
browser connection icon on the home screen of the
desktop for the high privilege users.
NOTE: In cases of autologin, the user must logout/
reboot to see the changes take effect. The boot-up
time is faster than the time to execute the INI file
(completes before fetching INI file from the server).
DefaultUser=username Specifies the default sign-on user. See also AutoLogin.
FormURL={None, Default,
Specifies the logo on the login screen dialog box.
None — Sets the logo to the Wyse default image file.
Default — Sets the logo to the Wyse default image file.
Filename — Sets the logo to the image file contained
in the bitmap directory of the file server. It is
recommended to use a PNG file no larger than 100
(Width) x 120 (height) pixels.
IdleAction.Enable={no, yes}
[IdleAction.TimeOut={0 to 1440}]
[IdleAction.Action={Any valid
IdleAction.Enable — Yes/no option to enable
IdleAction (allows an action of the device for an idle
IdleAction.Timeout — Specifies (in minutes from 0 to
1440) the amount of inactive time before the device
will execute the command specified in the
IdleAction.Action parameter if IdleAction.Enable=yes.
IdleAction.Action — Valid commands include either:
• /sbin/reboot
• /sbin/shutdown
Note that /sbin/reboot is the default.
ImportCerts={no, yes}
[Certs=list of certificate names]
ImportCerts — Yes/no option to import certificates
from the server.
Certs — is a list of certificate names (the names must
be separated by a semicolon).
NOTE: Certificates must be placed in the wyse/wlx/
certs directory.
NOTE: The certificates must be .crt, .pem, or any valid
certificate type.
Table 2 General Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only, Continued
Parameter Description