Irie Tools
221 S. State Rd, 7, #247
Plantation, FL 33317, USA
3.4.1 Creating new programs
The best way to create a new program, with the Irie Pascal Integrated Development Environment (i.e. the
IDE), depends on whether the IDE is in project mode or in file mode. NOTE: The Executable Preferences
page of the User Preferences dialog box is used to switch between file and project modes, and to select
executable options for file mode.
Creating programs in project mode
If the IDE is in project mode, you should create a new program by first creating a new project for the
program. When you create the new project the IDE will automatically create the new program for you,
and associate this program with the project (see creating new projects for more information). Whenever
you compile or run a project, the IDE will compile or run the program associated with the project.
Creating programs in file mode
If the IDE is in file mode, you create a new program by simply creating a new file (see the File menu for
more information on creating a new file). In this mode the executable options on the Executable
Preferences page will affect how the program is compiled and run.
3.4.2 Opening existing programs
The best way to open an existing program, with the Irie Pascal Integrated Development Environment (i.e.
the IDE), depends on whether the IDE is in project mode or in file mode. NOTE: The Executable
Preferences page of the User Preferences dialog box is used to switch between file and project modes, and
to select executable options for file mode.
Opening programs in project mode
If the IDE is in project mode, you should open an existing program by opening the project with which it
is associated. When you open an existing project the IDE will automatically open the program associated
with the project (see opening existing projects for more information). Whenever you compile or run a
project, the IDE will compile or run the program associated with the project.
Opening programs in file mode
If the IDE is in file mode, you open an existing program by simply opening the file containing the
program (see the File menu for more information on opening files). In this mode the executable options
on the Executable Preferences page will affect how the program is compiled and run.
3.4.3 Compiling programs
The best way to compile a program, with the Irie Pascal Integrated Development Environment (i.e. the