Auto declare input and output
Allow binary/hexadecimal constants
Enable non-standard constants
Allow constant ranges
Allow double-quoted literals
Enable non-standard functions
Allow non-numeric labels
Enable non-standard operators
Allow 'otherwise'
Enable non-standard procedures
Allow relaxed declaratons
Enable non-standard types
Allow underscores (_) in identifiers
Enable non-standard variables
"6.2 Auto declare input and output"
When this extension is enabled (it is by default), the Irie Pascal compiler will automatically declare the
built-in identifiers input and output, when they are not declared in your program.
Standard Pascal (i.e. ISO/IEC 7185) specifies that whenever the required identifiers input and output are
referenced in a program, that they must by declared (i.e. appear as program parameters). However
because some Pascal compilers do not enforce this requirement many Pascal programs do not meet this
specification. NOTE: ISO/IEC 7185 is the standard for the Pascal porgramming language published by
the Internation Organization for Standardization.
"6.3 Allow binary/hexadecimal constants"
When this extension is enabled (the default), the Irie Pascal compiler will recognize binary and
hexadecimal constants.
Binary Constants
Binary constants begin with %, and are followed by one or more binary (0 or 1) digits.
The following are examples of valid binary constants
%0 %1 %01110101010101010111101
The following are not valid binary constants
%2 % %151 %g
Hexadecimal Constants
Hexadecimal constants begin with $, and are followed by one or more hexadecimal (one of
0123456789ABCDEF) digits.
The following are examples of valid hexadecimal constants
$9 $A123 $ffff