words the file you are currently editing).
New - This menu entry opens an empty text editor file window and gives it a tempory name (the
temporary name will be similar to new.pas). The newly opened text becomes the current file, and
has the keyboard focus so you can immediately begin typing text into the file. A new file is not
actually created until you save the contents of the text editor file window, at which time you will
be able to override the temporary name and choose a permanent one.
Open... - This menu entry displays the Standard Open dialog box from the Windows Common
Dialog Library, which gives you the chance to select a file to open. If you select a file that is not
already open in the IDE, then the file is opened and loaded into a new text editor file window, and
becomes the current file. If you select a file that is already open in the IDE, then that file becomes
the current file (i.e. the text editor window containing the file becomes active).
Close - This menu entry closes the current file. NOTE: You will be prompted to save any unsaved
changes that have been made to the file.
Save - This menu entry saves the current file, and depending on the setting of the Create backup
file Environment Project Option a backup copy of the original contents of the file may be created.
If the file being saved is new, and has never been saved before, then this menu entry works like
the Save As menu entry described next.
Save As... - This menu entry displays the Standard Save As dialog box from the Windows
Common Dialog Library, which gives you a chance to choose a destination file. If you choose a
destination file, then the current file is saved into the destination file, and depending on the setting
of the Create backup file Environment Project Option a backup copy of the original contents of
the destination file may be created.
Page Setup... - This menu entry displays the Standard Page Setup dialog box from the Windows
Common Dialog Library, which gives you a chance to set certain attributes of the printed page.
Print... - This menu entry displays the Standard Print dialog box from the Windows Common
Dialog Library, which gives you a chance to set printer options and print some or all of the current
Exit - This menu entry exits the Irie Pascal IDE, and is the only File menu entry that does not
perform a file action. NOTE: You will be prompted to save any unsaved files that you have open.
Recently Closed Files - The text editor files that were recently closed, while working on the
current project, are added to the end of the File menu, and can be re-opened by choosing them
from the menu. Edit menu
The Edit menu, as the name suggests, is mainly used to assist you in editing files, and in changing your
preferences. The Edit menu is shown below: