however if Irie Pascal is not being installed then the setup package will have to create this
association. If your setup creation utility allows you to create associations then this is a good
choice. You can then have the Start Menu entry or Shortcut on the Desktop refer directly to your
Another way to deal with this problem is to create a batch file, that will execute the IVM
Interpreter and pass your program as an argument. For example if you program is named
hello.ivm, then the batch file could contain the line ivm hello.ivm. You would then point the Start
Menu entry or the shortcut on the Desktop at the batch file, instead of at your program.NOTE: If
you choose this option remember to distribute the batch file along with your program.
Yet another way to deal with this problem is to point the Start Menu entry or the Shortcut on the
Desktop, at the IVM Interpreter with your program being passed as an argument.
Files You Need To Distribute With IVM Executables
If your program is an Irie Virtual Machine (IVM) executable then in addition to the .ivm file containing
your program, you will also need to distribute the IVM Interpreter (i.e. ivm.exe), and the Irie Run-Time
Engine (i.e. the file iriert26.dll), along with any other files required by your particular program. If you
have purchased a license to use Irie Pascal, then you may have the right to distribute the files necessary to
run your programs (see the license agreement for details).
Files You Need To Distribute With EXE Executables
If your program is an EXE executable then in addition to your program, you will also need to distribute
the Irie Run-Time Engine (i.e. iriert26.dll), along with any other files required by your particular
program. NOTE: In this case there is no need to distribute the IVM Interpreter (i.e. ivm.exe).
4.1 Introducing the Irie Pascal IDE
The Irie Pascal Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is an easy to use programming environment,
and includes the following important components:
A multi-file text editor - Can be used to edit your Pascal source program, or any other kind of text
The Irie Pascal Compiler - Used to translate your Pascal source program into an executable
program (either an IVM or an EXE executable program).
The Message Window - Used to display the messages generated by the Compiler while it is
translating your Pascal source program. The Message Window and the text editor work together,
to allow you to easily move from a warning or error message, in the Message Window, to the
position in your Pascal source program, referred to by the message. If you double-click, with the
mouse, on a warning or error message, then you will be moved to the position in your Pascal
source program, referred to by the message. You can also move from a warning or error message
to the position referred to by the message, using the keyboard. To do this, you need to first select
the message by single-clicking with the mouse on the message, or by changing the currently
selecting message with the Up-Arrow and Down-Arrow keys. Once the message you are
interested in is selected, then just press the Enter key to move from that message to the position in
your Pascal source program it refers to.
The Project Manager - Used to set project options and other project specific settings. The Project
Manager remembers recently opened projects, as well as the files that were most recently opened
or closed in each project.
The IVM Interpreter - Used to run the executable programs generated by the Compiler.
The Online Help System - Includes this User's Manual and the Irie Pascal Programmer's Reference
Manual (in "progref.html"). The IDE dialog boxes provide context sensitive help by opening the